
For support with the IMI workflow please create an issue on the github repository or email us at detailing the nature of the issue you are facing. Please attach your IMI config.yml file, any relevant log files, and the version of the IMI you are using.

Example Github Issue Template

### What institution are you from?
Please tell us what institution you are from.

### Description of the problem
Describe your problem here.  Describe the steps to reproduce the problem here, if possible.

### Description of troubleshooting performed
Describe any troubleshooting that you have already performed here. Also include any leads or suspicions here.

### IMI version
Enter your IMI version here.

### Description of modifications
Describe any modifications to the IMI here.

### Attach relevant files
- imi_output.log
- imi config.yml file
- any other relevant log files to your issue