Running the IMI on a local cluster

The IMI is setup to run on AWS by default. However, if you have a local cluster available to you, you may choose to run the IMI there. This option requires some manual changes and is therefore only recommended for advanced users.

You must first ensure you have the proper hardware and software requirements for running GEOS-Chem.

When logged onto your local cluster, navigate to the path where you want to download the IMI repository and type the following command:

$ git clone

This will clone the IMI code into a local folder named integrated methane_inversion.


If you wish, you can clone the IMI repository into a different local folder by supplying the name of the folder at the end of the git clone command. For example:

git clone imi-v1.0

Next, download the GEOS-Chem source code and its submodules within the IMI folder using these commands:

$ cd integrated_methane_inversion
$ git clone
$ cd GCClassic
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

See Downloading the GEOS-Chem source code for more details.

Navigate back to the top-level IMI folder and view the contents:

$ cd ..
$ ls
config.yml  envs/  resources/*
docs/       GCClassic/*  src/

Within the IMI is a subfolder called envs that constains files for running the IMI on different systems. By default, files are provided for AWS and Harvard’s Cannon cluster.

$ ls envs/*
conda_env.yml  slurm/  spack_env.env

ch4_inv.yml                gcclassic.rocky+gnu10.minimal.env*  gcclassic.rocky+gnu10.env*
config.harvard-cannon.yml  gcclassic.rocky+gnu12.minimal.env*      README

We recommend you add a subfolder within envs for your own system to easily access your customized files needed for the IMI. In this directory, we recommend storing any environment files needed to load the libraries for GEOS-Chem (e.g. fortran compiler, netcdf, openmpi, cmake), a conda environment file, and a copy of the IMI configuration file modified for your system. See the files in envs/Harvard-Cannon for examples. We recommend basing your config file off of config.harvard-cannon.yml.

Within the copied IMI configuration file, you will need to modify the settings in the section labeled “Settings for running on your local cluster.” If you already have the GEOS-Chem input data on your system, you may set the *DryRun options to false.

It is recommended that you set up and run the IMI in stages when running on a local cluster to ensure that each stage works properly. You can do this by modifying the settings under “Setup modules” and “Run modules” and turning them on one or a few at a time. You may find that you need to manually edit some files. For example, after creating the template run directory, but before creating your spinup, Jacobian, and posterior run directories, you should open ch4_run.template in a text editor and modify as needed for your system (by default this script is set up to submit to a SLURM scheduler).

Once your have finished customizing the IMI settings for your cluster, you can run the IMI by executing and passing an argument for the location of your IMI configuration file. For example:

$ ./ config.harvard-cannon.yml

If you do not pass a configuration file, config.yml in the top-level IMI directory will be used. That file is set up for running the IMI on AWS by default.

You can also run the IMI with slurm if your local cluster supports this by running:

$ sbatch -p <partition-name> -c <num-cores> --mem <amount-mem> -t <time-limit> ./ config.harvard-cannon.yml